Sunday, November 18, 2012

Uneducated Thoughts: I Want To Dance Like Bobby Birdman (When I Should Be Doing My Homework)

Hey guys.
It's me.
So, today I tried to work on a school project.
But, of course, with the internet being the giant web of information it is I got distracted.
Really distracted.
So yeah, soon I was watching videos of YACHT concerts and DPC tours.
I have no idea why my distraction took such a musical turn.
Have you guys ever seen Bobby Birdman dance?
It's kind of fantastic...
I just spent way too much of my day watching that.
(Actually, not really. It's really more his knees.... And the hair flipping...
Okay, let's move on)
New art video soon!
(By soon I mean as soon as I have it done.)
And maybe a new sound conglomeration.
Who knows how much I can get done.
In other news, I'll be going up to New Hampshire this Wednesday.
Yay, eight hour (or longer) drives!
Seriously, though, guys, I'm wicked excited.
If any of my New England familia is reading this, I'll be seein' ya'll there!
You know, I don't take enough time to acknowledge how much I love doing this.
If anyone at all is reading this, thank you so much.
It thrills me that I'm able to write multiple groups of short sentences about something no one really cares about.
Honestly, this is my light.
So, thanks, for that.
I have to run tomorrow.
Yayy, running.
I hate running around outside.
Last time I was practically dying after, like, a few feet.
I feel like I really want to exercise, but running is so intimidating.
Can't I, like, jog.
On a treadmill?
(Or one of those bike thingies, then you get to SIT!)
I'd totally start paying attention in gym class!
Well, in case you can't tell, I'm in a pretty good mood right now.
I don't know what it is, but I just feel good.
Not super great, just.
Hey, I took a picture of a light!
(That thing up there's a link)
Yeah, I quite like it.
So, you know.
You can see that.
If you'd like.
I suppose that's all I have for you know.
See you all on Tuesday. (Videoing early because I won't be here wednesday)
Probably no Uneducated Thoughts on Sunday, since I'll be in NH.


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