Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Female Ventures Into Uncharted Territory

So. Yesterday I explored the Garage. And, y'know, as I sorted through piles of old notebooks and tools, I realized something.
It's really cool in there.
 I mean, first of all, we don't keep our cars in there, since the garage is old and has impossibly heavy metal doors. I got in through the cut little side door. Once you get past the dust and strangely large amount of scissors hanging from rusty nails, it's pretty sweet. It's warm (in the summer, I'm not sure what it'll be like once it gets colder) and the smell of cut grass and lawn mower fuel is strangely pleasant. You can hear birds chirping through the edges of the metal door and the un-openable window (which has really neat looking warped glass), but you're still protected from the elements. And, I probably haven't said anything about this before, but I'm not as comfortable around my sister as I should be.
Whenever she likes something I like, I feel like she's more qualified as a fan., as if it's a competition. Which sucks, because she's really great, she just...dominates everything, and makes me feel super inadequate.
But that's beside the point! I can post about that later!
 Yeah, though, the garage gives me this nice sense of separation that I hope, one day, I can achieve just sitting in my room. But, for know, I'll enjoy my safe place in the backyard.
 I was in the garage in the first place because of a dream. You see, I sometimes look to my subconscious for advice. Maybe I think the inner me speaks more truthfully, I don't know, but I really pay attention to what goes on inside while I'm asleep. This time, my dream was about getting my camera, and going into the garage to find the charger (which I lost in the move). Once I had found it, I took a video, in the garage of me talking to the camera and making a video that coincides with this blog. So, this is where my (two) loyal followers come in:
Should I do it?
Should I try vlogging?
 I don't know how good I would be at it, but, y'know, maybe I'll enjoy myself. It's all just part of my quest to find what I enjoy doing.
I think this idea might have been sparked by the large amount of joy and purpose i got out of making a video project for my friend Laura (which I will link to right here). I really had fun editing those clips together. And I think, in the garage, I might have a greater sense of safety. But I dunno. Maybe I'll hate it.
I really just want to find something fun to do with my time and, so far, I'm not sure whatI really enjoy.
Tell me what you think.


  1. Guys, I hate to be annoying, but every comment is helpful.
    It means a lot to me.

  2. So, when I checked up on this blog, it had a lot of new posts. Including ones with videos. I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and am reading them in chronological order. So, I'd say "yeah vlog wooot!", but it appears that you already have. Looking forward to those, if they are indeed vlogs! (Actually, I'm looking forward to them anyway, but... yeah!)
