Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Still Can't Believe it.

Hey! I'm back! I have awoken from my slumber to blog ecstatically about the concert I went to last night.
 A company of actors known as Starkid Productions (casually referred to as Team Starkid) came to Philadelphia last night, and I had the opportunity to see them preform. The tour, called APOCALYPTOUR, involves the Starkids just going to cities and playing their songs, or so I thought.
Here's what really happened. (Taken from my online conversation with a close friend)

 "Well, the whole idea was that they [the Starkids] were archeologists, who found an ancient Mayan ruin telling of the apocalypse, and a group of people called the Dikrats (Starkid backwards) who, by reading the inscription aloud, would awaken the god of chaos and death. The god (played by Jim Povolo) is called Margaret, and plans to destroy the world. But, as it turns out, the Starkids still have one last chance at saving the planet! Margaret is not only the god of chaos and death, but also the god of musical theatre. 
Along the way to saving our world, they sacrifice Joey Richter by tearing out his heart, almost give up, and finally end up earning a new Starkid!
This whole idea is sprinkled lavishly with witty humor and fun songs, keeping the audience excited and loud."
Yep. It's true (especially the loud part), and I'm glad it had a storyline! The show was an amazing experience, and I'm still in shock that I actually went.  It was totally worth the money, the long drive, and the waiting.
And, believe me, there was a lot of waiting.
 The line was a massive beast that stretched a long way from the entrance to the TLA (Theatre of The Living Arts), filled with girls from ages 11-27, as well as a few guys. We took up the whole sidewalk!
The entrance is that little swirly thing, labeled "TLA", and the black line indicates the group of people that wound through a few streets. This line, about four people thick, was gigantic, and I (indicated by the red dot) was right near the middle. It was a bit boring, but I didn't mind. The girl in front of us was nice, and, believe me, the show was well worth the wait!
 We stood on a balcony, getting a really good view over and/or in between the heads of the people in front of us, who we later learned were actually one of the actors' family! All in all, the show was fantastic and, even though we didn't get in on the balloon smacking, confetti catching action, we were glad to be able to see! I actually still can't believe I actually went, and it wasn't just a video I watched online. That whole "They're real people, oh my god!" feeling is just beginning to wear off.
All in all, it was a fantastic experience, and I'm glad to have gone.

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