Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hey, Look! I Posted Something! (AKA: My Daily Dose Of Awkward)

 Hello. I'm back. I know, I know. You missed me.
All three of you.
 Anyway, sorry for not posting in a while. I was...busy. Doing...things. No, really! I do things! Today, for instance, I went shopping (with my mom...) And got my daily dose of 'I'm-really-sorry-I'm-terribly-awkward-around-people'. Now, you might think "Oh, hey. The female went shopping! I wonder if she got some shoes." But, no. I didn't get any shoes. What I did get was brownie mix, trash bags, and a whole lot of mental instability.
 First, we went to BJ's. Y'know, the one that sells large quantities of items and looks kinda shady? Yeah, you know that place. So, as you can probably guess, I don't really love that store. Getting past the electronics section was probably the worst part, considering the fact that I had to listen to a hundred different voices speaking from a hundred different devices at a hundred different paces. Scary, right? Once I got past there, I was basically ready to burst. I think that's when I started getting a little...weird.
Man, I am such a skilled artist.
I was glad when we finally got to leave, even thought I knew the next place wouldn't be much better.
We were going to Walmart.
Oh, wait. Excuse me. I mean, We were going to Walmart. I think Walmart  Walmart is, officially, the bane of my existence. First of all, there's the creepy people who are forced to greet you at the door, which, in my opinion, is really scary.
This is what I see every time I walk inside.
 Then, they're all so helpful. They're all like "Oh, hey. Let me do that for you!" And then I'm thinkin' What the heck? I thought I was doing fine. I guess I'm just not good at taking people's help. Much in the way I'm not good at taking compliments.

 I was happy to come home and collapse in front of the computer. 


Well, yeah. That's my day. Sounds fun, right? Yeah, I didn't think so. Oh, well. I'm home now. Just, y'know, chillin' with my cat. I'll be posting again soon (hopefully). 
Otherwise, well. You'll just have to deal with it. :)

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