Wednesday, January 18, 2012


         If you're an internet user in the U.S., you've probably heard of a potential law known as SOPA. Today, January 18, millions of people all over the internet are rising against this. It's everywhere.
Google's homepage, notice the text at the bottom.
Even games! 
       What is SOPA? SOPA is a law that government is planning to pass to limit the amount of people downloading things illegally. But in reality, many people believe his law will do much more. By not allowing any copyrighted material to be used, SOPA could shut down many popular websites, such as Twitter and Facebook. It could also delete videos that use clips from TV Shows or copyrighted music. A video of someone singing a popular song could be erased. Essentially, SOPA is really scary.
SOPA is bad.
        Today, millions of people are fighting back to stop SOPA. I'm posting this to make sure all the people reading my blog know what this is, and how much it will limit the internet if passed. I don't think this is a good thing.
It must be stopped.


  1. (I deleted above comment because it was lame)

  2. Replies
    1. 47ej3403,
      There is this thing. It's called freedom of speech. She can say what she wants.

    2. I find people like you hilarious. "Oh, I don't agree with this, so I'm going to show my hatred in the form of chatspeak." It's not intimidating and it's certainly not helpful in anyway. It's just rude. If you disagree with what I say, then please show your opinion. But try to support your case with evidence, and in a more dignified manner. Thanks, bro.

    3. Yeah, I've found that people who don't like me also have horrible grammar and spelling issues. And say things like "ur." That's not a word. It's random letters.
      Evidence, Watson.
