Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You Can't Even Comprehend The Awesomeness Of This Post

             Hello, and welcome back to another post! (Now I'm going to post too often for anyone to follow.) So....How's it going? Today I played The Legend Of Zelda for about, oh, TWO HOURS.
Don't worry about the drool, I'm hyperbolizing.
So, after two hours I decided I should probably do something! So I stood up...
The only exercise I really got was from running upstairs
...and bolted upstairs to my room! (Wow, that was tiring.) I sat in my chair, turned on my computer, and did my basic everyday procedures (check email, charge ipod, etc.) Then I opened my blog page (and Illustrator) and decided "I'm gonna post again! Why not!" (of course I didn't think of "You have more important things to do", "Really? You just played Zelda for an hour!", or even "You don't even have anything to post about!") And that's where I am now.

             BUT, I have an idea! I will collaborate with all of my faithful readers (all 4 of you [maybe less]) to create an Awesome Short Story! So, what I need you (my faithful readers) to do, is put a character or sentence or paragraph or SOMETHING in the comments that will contribute to the story. The story can be serious or funny (although I imagine it will come out very strange), but it can't be TOO long. So please don't comment with a ten-page essay. Yup. Please try to contribute (I don't want to write the whole thing), and I'll be back soon with either a story, or another post like this!

Here is a squid.
"I'm just a squid."


  1. The squid liked to eat unicorn tail-hair.

  2. After everything was over, the unicorn would sit in an easy chair in a corner of the fuzzy room, thinking thoughts. Some of the thoughts were sad but many were not. Often he got a wicked headache and had to soothe the bunions on his feet with heated mentholated waters that filled the room with an odor reminiscent of holidays past. Even when he appeared to be doing nothing, even when a brain scan would have come up with nothing, he was, in fact, planning his revenge against the the evil squid, whose one brown eye haunted his days and nights. "I am going to get you, squid" was the most common sentence that passed through his mind.

  3. A loosely formulated plan made its way into the unicorn's mind, and he called to his magical robot waitress who he had named Hannah. "Hannah," he said. "I need some C₆H₁₂O₆ and a banana, stat." Hannah rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yeah, whatever."
