Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Female Ventures Into The World of Adobe Illustrator (Blogging In 9 Easy Steps)

           I recently opened up Illustrator on my computer, and decided to draw some pictures to explain to you humans/animals/aliens about my...  Blogging Procedure! entirely in third person! So, here we go.....

1. The Human begins to get the idea that she hasn't posted in a while and probably should.

2. The Human decides that this is probably a good idea.

3. The Human becomes extremely excited at the aspect of blogging.

4. The Human gets a little too excited (Okay, a lot too excited).

5. The Human quickly races up the stairs like a rabid (and over-excited) gymnast.

6. The Human sits down in front of her computer- now chanting psychotically under her breath- and realizes something...

7. ...She has no ideas.

8. The Human begins a pointless staring contest with her computer's frustratingly blank screen.

9. She eventually gets a sorry excuse for an idea, and types it with renewed enthusiasm!
     Well, that's pretty much the idea. Sometimes I do something different, but I usually just follow my routine procedure.  I works pretty well. :)