Sunday, October 7, 2012

Uneducated Thoughts: Bone Broke

It's me.
And I have no money.
I mean, I've got a bit,
but what does that count for when a good camera costs more than a couch at IKEA?
I've been scheming,
but I'm not sure if any of the ideas are all that realistic.
One idea, for instance, is to start a small-cale design business.
And, yes, I know I'm extremely young to start a business,
and that I'm not all that great at art, but....
I like it.
And, I mean, maybe someone could let me design a poster for them or something.
Or birthday invitations.
Speaking of design,
I made a new image for my inspiration wall,
this one I'm quite happy about.
You can see it here.
Another scheme is, of course, selling things.
I just have to figure out how that would work out.
I've been listening to some Audio Bullys lately.
Not bad.
Who knew brits were so great at rapping?
Also, I've been wondering a bit,
Is anyone even reading this?
If you are, whoever you are,
type "here" in the comments.
Or put your favorite color.
Or just type a comment.
Something, I don't care what.
I just want to know how many people are actually seeing these.
So, today I went to IKEA.
The phrase "Enough of this OCD stuff." was spoken to me by my father, after I fixed a pole that was popping out of its wrapping.
Then my mom joined in with, "Yeah, you don't really have OCD."
Who said I did?
Because I put things in their wrapping when they're poking out?
Why were these words spoken?
They probably meant nothing by it, but...
It just makes me feel kinda weird.
I don't know how to explain it.
Well, I gues that's all.
Hopefully I'll upload on wednesday.
Sorry it was so short.
