Sunday, September 30, 2012

Uneducated Thoughts : "A New Medium: Panda Pornography"

Hey guys.
It's me.
just recently,
my camera battery came in the mail.
There's just one tiny little problem.
The camera still doesn't work.
I've been listening to a lot of Pandora lately.
I think it's kinda neat.
I've also been a bit bored.
It's not that I don't have ideas.
I have plenty of ideas.
But they're all sitting around and getting stale.
I have no means of executing them.
Soon, they'll start rotting.
My efforts to make a friend are going okay.
We still haven't had any successful conversations yet,
but we try.
We're getting there.
YACHT is going on tour.
With The Presets.
So that's pretty neat.
Too bad the closest place they're coming to is New York.
I wish I had something interesting to say.
But you guys probably don't care anyway.
Because you're only my family.
(Must. Make. Friends.)
I've been considering expanding my "Female Approves Of"
Should I?
I probably will anyway.
So, I had an interesting little altercation with my sister the other day.
Somehow, something about blogging came up.
She told me I should make a blog.
After a long, awkward, pause, I said,
"I already have one."
Then she accused me of using it to post Mitchell Davis/Panda Bear pornography.
And that was it.
I don't know why it scares me so much that she could find out.
It just does.
Oh well.
She will eventually.
(Probably soon)
I feel like I'm not doing anything.
I mean, I am doing things.
The other day I drew my self.
And I've been doing a lot of 'video research'.
(AKA: Watching Bath Boys videos and trying to convince myself it's a good use of my time.)
I'm still not sure what wall to make the inspirational one.
I've been wanting to make another page, but I need a quote.
And ideas, you guys?
I need to read something inspirational.
Well, I guess that's it.
I'm gonna go watch Youtube and wait for money to magically appear in my room.
See you on wednesday.


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